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Category: The DTES

The Escape

The Escape

A couple of weeks ago, I accidentally posted a picture of me in Mazunte Mexico from Instagram to Facebook. I’m not sure why instagram feels less vulnerable, but it does. I feel the need to say something about why I’m in a foreign country during a global pandemic. I know it’s not a popular choice. I know there are so many people sheltering in place, not even going to the grocery store. To describe the experience of living alone in…

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The Fall

The Fall

It’s been a weird few months. Not sure if you’re all up for an individual pandemic mental health tale, but here it is. At many moments, I have felt like hiding, fading into obscurity. Checking out. Running. In the wake of the closure of The Pace, I was desperate to get out of dodge. My plan was, do a mini reno on my (rented) place and sublet it for a couple of months, run away to Mexico and write a…

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Oppenheimer Park

Oppenheimer Park

I have thought long and hard about a statement around the Oppenheimer park eviction notice last week. I live and work within a two block radius of the park, and I can honestly say, although I’ve experienced an increase in non violent crime at my business this summer, I’m pretty convinced the park is not the cause. This is why. I’ve come to understand that Oppenheimer tent city is a community. And it’s far from perfect. There’s respect, and disrespect….

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Lonely Vancouver

Lonely Vancouver

I was on CBC this morning talking about shared workspace as a way to mitigate the modern epidemic of social isolation. The host of the show chortled and scoffed at my “utopian” vision. After listening to the broadcast tonight, I go to buy cigarettes at my corner store. There’s an Indigenous woman in a wheelchair outside the shop and she asks me for money. I don’t have any on me so I offer her a cigarette and hang around for…

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Populous Map (and why place is essential)

Populous Map (and why place is essential)

I have two things in my heart and on my mind right now. Creative Coworkers has a chance to grow our community, and be in a physical space that will better serve the needs of our community. We’ve found a place that is amazing, and have made an offer. It’s the next step for us, for all of us – but it’s currently in jeopardy, ironically because we reached out to our community for support. Having launched a crowdfunding campaign…

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On crisis and Public Service

On crisis and Public Service

I find myself at the crossroads of a bit of a shitstorm, and writing is cathartic for me, so here goes a big long rambling about the last week of my experience, and a bit more. Hopefully by the end you understand how these things are connected to each other – it’s a bit convoluted but I am working towards a point. I started Creative Coworkers to provide space to folks who have difficulty accessing space – whether because they…

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I just moved in to a really nice, fairly expensive ($1550/month) one bedroom apartment in the DTES, and I’m having a hard time bridging the divide. I needed to be closer to my work and my community, and I’m glad I made the move. When I walk into my building, I feel like an outsider because the majority of my neighbours have a vision for who should be here, and I’m not it. And then I walk out of my…

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Address to City Council regarding bylaw amendments to cannabis vending

Address to City Council regarding bylaw amendments to cannabis vending

Mayor Robertson and Council   We have been given the chance, as municipalities, to tailor our cannabis legislation to the needs of our residents and communities. We owe it to our residents to take a deep look at what we want that legislation to achieve. Our decisions can be precedent setting, benefit communities across the country and maybe even around the world… if we get it right.   For the past six months, I’ve coordinated a cannabis based opiate substitution…

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Heart warming moment.

Heart warming moment.

The back door at the studio faces the north-most alley, right by the tracks, in the DTES. I had a little set of stairs built from the ground to the loading bay. They don’t stand on their own, and they only cost maybe $60 to make – but they’re really important to the space because, well, purpose built stairs. Hanging out on the back stoop, a guy zipping by on his bike comes back around to say “hey the other…

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The Power of Connection

The Power of Connection

I had an experience today that I feel compelled to share, even though the thoughts are a bit disjointed. That’s how I’m feeling – more than a bit disjointed. As some of you know, I coordinate a cannabis based opiate substitution program near Main and Hastings. Today, someone in the hotel next door fell to his death. I went over to make sure the staff were ok. His body lay on the sidewalk under a yellow tarp for more than…

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